The State, in Rome, the primary place where the State resides, has to understand that only the invention of culture is its mirror and its raiment. (Fabio Mauri )

Disappointment as a political force is the sentiment thanks to which it is possible, today, to work laterally in relation to the institutions, on a sort of parallel route that permits almost peaceful coexistence of different approaches to production. For the so-called independent situations in Rome, I hope for work of ongoing experimentation in the most complete independence, far from the temptation of trying to take the place of the institutional machine. Only economic freedom can permit the development of honest projects. This viewpoint represents the grandest of utopias, and supports all those small realities whose project operations are not based on big investment, operating instead in conditions of maximum economy, getting the most out of the practice of barter. Today, government participation in a real program seems possible only through structural rethinking: we need to think of cultural policies as a sort of second judiciary, i.e. an autonomous order run by an association of associations, in dialogue with politics but independent in the handling of finances.

Artist. Founder of the collective Trial Version. Lives and works in Rome.