ESC: The architecture of imagination – Sectioning the city to discover and to invent urban spaces.


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On 4 of July the Congresso dei Disegnatori will host a workshop about architecture: using architectural conventions the challenge is drawing in a collective and free way to research and discover the urban space of Rome. In particular, we invite to use the architectural section, a tool that easily enables us to cut and to select the elements of space thus reinforcing the continuity between inside and outside as well as between reality and imagination.In that way we invite to contaminate the city of Rome by drawing: first we will walk together around the neighborhood of S. Lorenzo, looking around to stimulate our imagination. Then, starting by our notebooks, sketch and ideas, will arrive to ESC atelier in order to draw the most representative lines of section of the observed urban space. At the end, we will back to the city changing the space by using our images.
In this way our look cast upon the city will be ready to be looked at in turn. The adventure is destined to continue.
In this laboratory, we will use the imagination and visionary ability of all participants outside the walls of ESC, to contaminate urban space both at the internal and external levels, especially to interweave this experiment with the laboratory about public space that will start at the Nuovo Cinema Palazzo on the same day.

4 of July
from 4pm to 8pm
ESC, Via dei Volsci 159