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Monday 18th and tuesday 19th of June Il Congresso dei Disegnatori will host the Piero Gabrielli, a theatrical “integrated” workshop in which young people with and without disabilities participate. The Piero Gabrielli is a welcoming and encompassing community in which each member has the chance of having experiences of both individual and cultural growth. The formative and artistic methodology will rearrange to the contest of the Congress. Trough the visual signs the disabled children and not, will to bring out the individuality of each member within the complexity of the group itself. By sharing a creative place and an imaginary space the children will help to build the awareness of oneself in relation to others. In this way a personal limit – whether it be of a physical, social, psychological nature or of any other kind whatsoever – becomes a creative opportunity, the starting point of an expressive originality that enhances each individual’s abilities by acknowledging that they are both unique and irreplaceable. Lining up the themes faced by the Piero Gabrielli this year with the Berlin Biennale key point (Forget Fear), the children will dialogue among themselves, with the other Congress’s participants and with the pre-existing signs, about fear and invisibility.

The “Piero Gabrielli” theatrical workshop is permanently based in Rome. In their headquarters throughout the year, activities and rehearsals relating to the Pilot Workshop are carried out at its headquarters. Here, the staff also deals with the co-ordination of the many Decentralised Workshops that are held, based on the Pilot Workshop model, in several schools throughout the city as well as the organisation of training courses for teachers and preparatory courses for actors, directors, musicians, scenic artists, teachers and rehabilitation operators. Over the years, the “Piero Gabrielli” theatrical workshop has become a vibrant place to meet and to exchange experiences. Its activities are illustrated on the following websites: and